This section goes into information about how mankind uses all sorts of techniques to suppress the truth of what God has revealed to mankind.
The Purpose of Life is to Know and Love God. Creation has four kingdoms: the minerals, vegetables, animals, and humans.
The first two kingdoms of creation are the Mineral and Animal Kingdoms.
The purpose of mankind is to know and love God. The way mankind learns to know and love God is by believing in the Words of God brought by the Prophets.
This section tells you about the parable of Adam & Eve, and the history of mankind prior to Adam and Eve.
Reincarnation is a misunderstanding of the revelation brought by Krishna. Kirshna talked about going from body to body, and this refers to going from the physical body to the spiritual body.
We go from life to life and all the prophets talk to us, including Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, and they all teach the people of their day. But the clergy class invents a theology. In the Mauritius Islands in the Indian Ocean, there were 100,000 different Hindu cults, and no two of them had reincarnation the same. All of them had different versions. Just like the Christian nations have 10,000 different Christian denominations and each one of them has their own theology, each claiming to be right, each one teaching something different
When the Manifestation of God comes He finds that the priestcraft gets into the religion and makes changes in it. Their interpretations come into it and they add gods and paganism to it. So, when the next Manifestation of God comes, He takes His hand and wipes all of this rubbish into the garbage. The pathway to God becomes cluttered up with all of these rituals, all these dogmas, all these observances and all this rhetoric, and it’s no longer able to be traversed. The priestcraft don’t even make it onto the pathway. They miss the pathway. They miss the Manifestation of the day in which they are living by holding onto some ancient Manifestation whose message has become corrupted by the priestcraft. They miss the boat, so-to-speak. They dart into space and some of them reach the nethermost gloom. The further they get away from the Manifestation, the further they are from God.
Now we get back to the reason for this discussion. The question is, “Why did God create us?” Only man has the capacity to know God. He alone has the intellect. By knowing God and by turning to God through His Manifestations — because God can’t be known in His essence, in His pure essence — as we turn to God through His Spirit that comes down through the Manifestations of God, we turn to God. And then we start our pathway back to God. He created us in order that He Himself might be known.
t’s just like if you were a beautiful and tremendous artist and you lived in the kingdom of the blind. …Or a great musician and you lived in the kingdom of the deaf; What would you do? God is not heard in His kingdom. He doesn’t have to be touched. He’s an intangible. God is an intangible, not a tangible. Therefore, He can only be known by an intangible, and man has this intangible self.
God left an imperfection in us. It’s our freedom of choice. Why do you think God left this horrible imperfection? In other words, we don’t have to accept God. After He preaches to know Him and worship Him, why would He leave that imperfection? Why didn’t He make it so everybody would have to worship him? It’s because He wanted something more than to be known. He wanted to be loved.
If you were to go to your lover, pull out a gun, hold it to her head and say “Damn you, love me!”, she would say “Yes! Yes! I love you!” Would that be love? No, it wouldn’t. What a guy does is bring her posies or candy or an apple. He woos her. God spreads out this beautiful world with its mountains, its trees, its birds, its flowers, its fruits and vegetables — everything here, ALL THIS FOR MAN. Plainly, He has created it. But He wants to be loved. And He gets awful jealous when people start worshiping an idol.
If you pray to this piece of chalk, your prayer goes to that piece of chalk. When you pray to that cat scratcher, your prayer goes to that — or to that picture up there — or that cross with that man on the cross, your prayer goes to that. If you pray to that idol, which is created by man, your prayer goes to that, and not to God. If you create an image of God in your mind, then your prayer returns to you, because you are the creator of that image, and doesn’t go to God. Thus, when people pray to things that are created by themselves, these prayers go back to themselves and do not go to God. Therefore, men are still in their sins. They have not fulfilled the purpose of their creation.
This pen writes. If it didn’t write, what do you think I would do with it? I’d throw it in the garbage. We are created to know God and to worship Him. If we fail to fulfill the reason of our creation, it’s off into the nethermost gloom.
Who was the cause of your own creation? If you don’t want to accept the God that created you, go to the god of your own creation, which is in everyone’s dream. You have your choice. You have two different choices. You can have hell or heaven. All the religions of God have come, just like that pen. If it doesn’t write, you throw the thing away. Anything that doesn’t fulfill the reason of its creation is inert, and man is created for one thing.
The minerals can’t know God. The vegetables and the animals can’t know God. Only man has this capacity. Therefore, he that has the intellect is held responsible for his actions. If God didn’t leave the imperfection of freedom of choice in man, man would be perfect. If he had to worship God and turn toward Him, then he wouldn’t do it of his own volition. God wanted a being to love Him and to worship Him of his own volition, just like we want our spouses to be in love with us of their own volition. We don’t want our spouses to love us because they are forced to do so.
I wouldn’t want anyone to respect me because I forced them to do so. But, I would expect respect for what I know and what I helped them to know. God is the same way, and He creates the whole universe.
No so long ago, scientists showed a sun that is not too far away with planets around it. They didn’t show if there are people on it, but they suspect that there are planets and people. We can’t see the whole universe because it’s too large, but undoubtedly this vast universe pervades all space. There is no end to space, no matter how far you may travel in any one direction or in all directions. You could travel at the speed of light: at 186,000 feet per second, and if you traveled for a billion, billion years you wouldn’t come to the end of space because the second you come to the end of space, what’s on the other side? More space. And this is endless. The universe of God is endless. God is omnipotent and omniscient. He pervades the whole space, and in that vast space He has creatures that worship Him. He gives His creatures eternal life and evolution from kingdom to kingdom, station to station, worlds beyond worlds for eternity.
If you should happen to reach God, Who is infinite, then it would become boring. Or, you could take God off His throne and you could sit down, and God wouldn’t let that happen. So, the journey to God never ends. This is what makes heaven in the next life beautiful. Who would want to come back here?
The Garden of Eden
Abdu’l-Baha’ says being born is like falling into a mud puddle. You get dirty. So if we reincarnated back here to fall in the mud puddle again, that wouldn’t get us clean. The thing that gets us clean is to turn to the Manifestation, but we have the freedom of choice as to whether we will do this.
Now it’s only in this life that we have the freedom of choice. In the womb of the mother we don’t have that freedom of choice. God created man and placed him in the Garden of Eden. He says, You can eat of all the fruit of this garden.
The sperm and the ovum came together in the Fallopian tubes. The sperm swam up the vagina into the uterus and into the Fallopian tube and there it met the ovum, impregnated it and became the primal cell. At the minute that this primal cell was made, the soul dropped in. Then the cilia of the Fallopian tubes carried the primal cell into the uterus which is the Garden of Eden. God said you can eat all the fruit of this garden which is the mother’s blood which comes from this world. But, He says, you shall not know good from evil.
In the womb you can’t know good from evil because it’s just one condition. It’s dark, there’s one temperature and no movement. It’s just one condition. After nine months of development, the brain evolves and it reaches a certain state of perfection where it is ready to comprehend good from evil. Then it emits an enzyme into the amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac. This enzyme causes the uterus to contract, creating the birth contractions, and we are born into the knowledge of good and evil in this world.
In this world everything is in opposites. We have light and dark, hot and cold, vacuum and pressure. We have fast and slow. We have knowledge and ignorance, riches and poverty, good and bad. We have spirituality and a pagan theology. All of these conditions exist in this world. Before one eats of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that is, before they are born into this world, there are no opposites. In the womb there is no light and dark, fast and slow, good and bad, or anything like that; whereas, when we are born into this world, we gradually become cognizant of what is good and bad.
The serpent is the intellect. The intellect is the window of the soul. If a man uses his intellect, the serpent, to turn to the Tree of Life, he becomes spiritual. Otherwise, if the serpent gets attached to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, it crawls on its belly. This is the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. We are eating of this fruit, and it says the day that you eat of it you die (spiritually–Gen. 3:3). This all pertains to this world.
But in the story of the Garden of Eden there is another tree. This is the tree of life, and it ways if anyone should eat of this tree, he will live forever and ever. It is in the midst of the garden and the Bible says that God placed cherubim around the Tree of Life to guard the way of the Tree of Life. These cherubim are the spiritual qualities. One is love: love God that He may love thee. Another is justice, the other is knowledge, and so forth. These are the things that are essential in order to know God.
We have to be true to ourselves. We can’t love the lie, or believe the lie, or create an image of God in deference to God, or any of these things, and still expect to complete the reason for our creation.
In order for an animal to become human it has to be eaten by the human. In order for the vegetable to become animal it has to be eaten by the animal. In order for the mineral to become vegetable it has to be absorbed by the vegetable. In order for man to become spiritual he has to be absorbed by this Tree of Life. Unless he is absorbed by this Tree of Life, he does not become spiritual. This story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is very figurative. If it isn’t figurative, if it isn’t like 2 + 2 = 4, then it’s nonsense. If it isn’t factual, it’s nonsense. Back to top:
Without a basic understanding of why we are alive, life has no particular meaning – life is meaningless. Little children want to know why they are here, but this question doesn’t get answered, except perhaps it is put off by saying, “The stork brought you;” Or, “We wanted a little child.” Of course these answers aren’t really answers. The child wants to know the real reason why he or she is alive. But throughout a person’s life, this question is never answered, not in church, not in the streets, not in school. So because life is meaningless to people, we have wars and pillage, and carnage, and a lot of suffering. All this suffering exists because people don’t have an understanding of the role they play in the scheme of the universe. We know that nothing creates itself; therefore everything has to have a Creator, including us. As we can see the genius of the artist in a masterpiece of art, so too in observing the world can we see the genius of the Creator of everything.
[Infinite Essence] God is a Hidden Essence and He will never be known. At the top of my chart, I put the words “Infinite Essence.” I don’t put the word “God” at the top, because then automatically we would have all the different conceptions of what the people think God is. We would have the images the people create in their minds. So I write “Infinite Essence” because God is unknowable – beyond the comprehension of our finite minds. God is infinite and we are finite, and the finite can never comprehend the infinite.
I put the word “Infinite Essence” in a semi-circle rather than a circle, because then God would be surrounded. God surrounds all, but He Himself is not surrounded. What we are talking about is the Infinite Essence that pervades the universe — that pervades all space. It is All-Powerful, and All-Knowing, and Ever-Present. God is the Invisible, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent Creator Who is responsible for the ordered design of the natural world and the ingenious perfections of all living and non-living things. We can’t know God in His Essence. We can only know God in Manifestation. Baha’u’llah says the way is barred and the road is impassable to knowledge of the Divine Essence, for how can the finite comprehend the Infinite?
Yet, the whole universe is eloquent of God. The scientist can penetrate into the nature of matter. But at every step the difficulties of the research increase until the most profound intellect can penetrate no further. Everything we know about God is known by that which manifests God. A stone tells us something of divine attributes, the flower tells us more, the animal with its senses and instincts and power of movement tells us more still. In the poet, the saint, the genius, we find a higher revelation still. But the great Prophets and Founders of religions are the perfect mirrors by which the love and wisdom of God are reflected to the rest of mankind. Other men’s mirrors are dulled by the stains and the dust of selfishness and prejudice, but these are pure and without blemish, wholly devoted to the Will of God.
In the physical world, everything gets its life from the sun. Everything reflects the sun to its own capacity. The coal reflects the sun very little. The grass reflects the green rays. The white cloth reflects the whole spectrum of light. But if you take a mirror and put it in the sun, it reflects all the attributes of the sun. The warmth, the light, the rays, and the disc are all reflected in the mirror. But the question of this discussion is, why would God bring you into existence? Why did God create you? In order to understand why we were created, we need to understand the creation in general.
There are four kingdoms in creation. The first is mineral, and this is comprised of the elements. The next is vegetable. The next is the animal, and the next is human. Back to top:
The first form known to man is the mineral kingdom. The minerals are the building blocks from [Mineral Kingdom] which everything else is built. This includes all the elements such as iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and so on. The elements have a life, an existence, but it is a static existence. They change form according to the heat and power of the sun, but they don’t grow and reproduce or things like that. And they have no type of consciousness of themselves. For instance, water flows because that is the nature of water. Fire burns because it’s the nature of fire to burn. It has no will of its own.
On the chart, the mineral kingdom is placed closest to the Infinite Essence because it doesn’t have much freedom. It’s under the control of the Almighty. No matter how far the mineral progresses, it won’t be able to grow, move or reproduce. Minerals come into contact and form compounds, but they don’t have organic organization as do the other kingdoms. They can evolve within their own kingdom. For example, a piece of coal or carbon, under the influence of heat and pressure, can be perfected into a diamond. But no matter how perfect a mineral may become, it can’t become a vegetable.
It is lacking something that the vegetable has, and that is: the vegetable spirit. Back to top:
The vegetable has something that the mineral doesn’t have. Do you know what that is? It is the ability to grow and reproduce. It has this ability due to the vegetable spirit. Because a seed has the vegetable spirit, it sends its roots into the minerals and absorbs the minerals up into itself, making vegetables. We call this organized or organic chemistry. The mineral is unorganized. Dirt falls however you happen to throw it and cannot change. Whereas the vegetable changes the organization of the mineral, and the vegetable grows and reproduces.
Do you understand the “spirit” part? Let’s look at a poem by Tennyson:
Little flower in the crannied wall,
I pluck you out of the crannies.
I hold you here, root and all, in my hand,
Little flower – but if I could understand what you are, root and all, and all in all,
I should know what God and man is.
(A poem by Tennyson — Baha’u’llah and the New Era, p. 202)
He takes a plant out of the crannied wall. It’s growing out between the stones. He holds it in his hand and says, “If I could tell what you are, root and all, and all and all, I could tell what God and man is.” What he is saying here, is if I could take you and dissect you into the smallest, minutest particles, and if I could find all the elements and all the things that go to compose you, there would be only one thing that escapes me and that is your invisible life essence. I couldn’t find that. Tennyson is saying, if I can’t even know the essence of a flower, how can I know the essence of God and man?
God is invisible. He pervades the entire universe. Yet He’s closer to us than our own jugular vein and our own breath. But we can’t just grab hold of God and say, “Sit down here in this chair, God, I want to talk to you.” God pervades the entire universe. Everything is known by its Manifestation. We know that’s a lamp because it produces light. The manifestation of a lamp is the light it produces, whether it’s a candle or a flashlight. So everything is known by its manifestation.
The life of the vegetable is the spirit of the vegetable. That is the elusive thing. We know it has a life or it wouldn’t be organized like it is. It’s alive. The vegetable is alive. Abdu’l-Baha explains that this is because of the vegetable spirit. There are five aspects of spirit: vegetable spirit, animal spirit, human spirit, the spirit of faith and the Holy Spirit. The spirit of faith is just a branch of the Holy Spirit, which we will explain to you. These are the five spirits.
Vegetables grow and reproduce because of this spirit – this life – and they absorb the minerals and make them into vegetables. When these elements in the vegetables decompose or separate, the calcium still remains calcium and the phosphorous still remains phosphorous. What is gone when the elements separate is the life – the life of that vegetable is gone. This life remains in the seed however, and thus the vegetable reproduces itself. But the arrangement is gone. The calcium and the iron and the potassium, these all remain. It’s the organic arrangement that ceases to exist. This is what we call the death of the vegetable.
When we eat the vegetable and we have the salad, these are live foods. When we cook them they’re dead food. So, when we eat live food we’re alive. No matter how far the mineral may evolve, it cannot become a vegetable of its own volition. But the vegetable sends its roots into the mineral, absorbs the mineral and the mineral becomes a vegetable. The mineral doesn’t cease to exist by becoming vegetable. The iron still remains iron, the phosphorous remains phosphorous, and calcium remains calcium. What has happened is the arrangement of the molecules has changed. Thus, we say the vegetable has an organic arrangement and the mineral is organic. The mineral is not organized by anything. What we say organizes the vegetable is the vegetable spirit. Back to top:
What is the difference between the animal and the vegetable?
The vegetable has instinct too. All vegetables grow as all vegetables grow. All birds make nests as all birds of their species make nests. For instance, the beaver will make dams, as all beavers make dams. With vegetables it’s the same thing. They grow up straight. Trees grow on the mountainside. Do they grow straight out of the side of the mountain, or do they grow straight up? Instinct is a reaction. The trees grow straight up because it’s a response, a reaction to gravity: in opposition to gravity. For instance, the vegetables on the opposite side of the earth are growing the opposite way from the vegetables on this side of the earth. They grow out away from the earth.
What the animal has that the vegetable doesn’t have is the five senses. The animal grows and reproduces like the vegetable, it’s composed out of minerals, but in addition it has the five senses. So the difference between the vegetable and the animal is the five senses: hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch. These five senses are the attributes of the animal spirit, and they give the animal consciousness of its particular existence – the animal can hear it, see it, smell it, taste it, and feel it.
The vegetable does not have the central nervous system to record this information, so it is unconscious of its existence. If you didn’t have these five senses they used to say you were a vegetable. You would not be conscious of your existence without the senses. The nervous system brings impulses to the brain so it can interpret the stimuli, and it gives us the conclusion that we exist and that other things exist. If we didn’t have these senses, we wouldn’t know that we exist. Therefore, the vegetable doesn’t know of its existence.
Because the vegetable doesn’t recognize its own existence, no matter how far the plant may evolve, no matter how sweet the orange, no matter how fragrant the rose, of its own volition it cannot know of its own sweetness or fragrance. Of its own volition, a vegetable cannot become an animal that perceives its own existence. As well, no matter how far the mineral may evolve it couldn’t become a vegetable. Take for example carbon. The carbon can become perfected within its state. When it becomes pure it’s the diamond. It can become perfected in its state, but it can’t become vegetable.
But the vegetable can absorb the elements and they become the vegetable. A vegetable cannot become an animal, but the animal can eat the vegetable and the vegetable can be absorbed by the animal. This is due to the animal spirit and the five senses.
The purpose of the mineral is known. They are the basis of all existence. The minerals are the building blocks from which everything else is made. Without the minerals, we wouldn’t have anything else in existence, including vegetables. The minerals from the soil like iron, phosphorus, and calcium go into the plant, and then on into the animal kingdom. Without these minerals, the vegetable and the animal couldn’t exist. The purpose of the vegetable is also known. Without the vegetable, the animal couldn’t exist. The animal eats the vegetables and they become the animal. Back to top:
Now we’re coming to another kingdom: mankind. Is there any difference between man and animal? Man has the five senses of the animal, he has the growth and reproduction of the vegetable, and he’s composed out of minerals, but he has something more than these kingdoms. Man is able to think in the abstract.
The animal’s reason is limited to the five senses. You couldn’t go up to a cow and prove that the earth is round. In million years you wouldn’t be able to do this. No matter how you tried to explain that the earth is round, the cow could not comprehend this because the cow cannot think in the abstract. It cannot think beyond its five senses. The vegetable doesn’t have the five senses, and it can’t get them no matter how far it advances. The mineral cannot become vegetable. But the vegetable can absorb it through growth and reproduction can turn the mineral into a vegetable. The vegetable cannot become an animal, but the animal can absorb the vegetable by eating it and using it for energy.
When the life force of an animal is withdrawn, the elements decompose and go back to the earth. When the vegetable spirit is withdrawn from the vegetable, it decomposes and goes back to the elements. There is no such thing as complete annihilation. The elements are for the most part stable. There is only composition and decomposition.
It is through the vegetable and animal spirits that higher and higher organizations are achieved. Man’s capacity to think in the abstract makes him different than all the other kingdoms. The existence of man answers the question of why the other kingdoms exist. Without the mineral, the vegetable and the animal, man couldn’t exist. But the reason for going through this is to find the reason for the existence of man. If the lowest kingdom, such as the mineral, has a reason to exist, then could we say that the highest of creation does not have a reason for existence? We see no greater being in creation than man. Therefore, we cannot come to the conclusion that man has no purpose for existence.
We can see that without the vegetable there would be no animal, and we see that the animal supports man. So we know the purpose of the lower kingdoms. Therefore, the highest of all kingdoms must have a purpose for it existence. Have you any concept of why mankind exists? Back to top:
On our chart, the circle labeled “Human” should be cut in half, showing that man has two parts: physical and spiritual. The smaller circle at the top dissects the first circle. It represents the mind of man.
We put the mind up at the top. The mind is the window to the soul. It is both physical – connected with the brain and the body – and spiritual. It is connected with the soul. The part that is connected with the soul thinks in the abstract.
Man is the highest development in this contingent world. There may be a higher being but if there is we don’t know of it. Man is a composite of the kingdoms before him. We are the crowning point of existence in this contingent world. We see nothing higher in this contingent world than man. Mankind is the highest of God’s creation in this world, but the beginning of another world which is spiritual. If you were the only person in this world, how would you feel? Lonely. There is only One Invisible God that pervades the entire universe. There’s not another God for Him to associate with.
Without man, He would be lonely, because the rock can’t comprehend God, the plant doesn’t have the intellect and can’t comprehend God, and the animal doesn’t have the intellect and it can’t comprehend God. Only mankind has the capacity to comprehend the intangible. As God is intangible, God had to make man in order that He might be known. He had a need to have man. Otherwise the greatness of God would only be known to God alone. And he would be awfully lonely in this whole universe that has no end without a being that has the capacity to comprehend the intangible.
Therefore God created the lower kingdoms so that man could exist, and He created man so that He Himself might be known. But man has one more thing. Do you know what? The reason man has the capacity to comprehend the intangible, the reason man has the intellect, is because He possesses a soul. We call the intellectual capacity in man the soul. The body is tangible, but the soul is intangible. The intellect is intangible, the next life is intangible. God is intangible.
So the thing that man has that the animal doesn’t have is a breath from God, which is the soul. The window of the soul is the mind. Part of the mind belongs to the five senses. But the intellectual part of the mind belongs to the soul. The part of the mind that can comprehend the intangible is the soul, and it can do so because it is an intangible. The five senses alone can’t comprehend the intangible. What makes man different is that he has the intellect and the intangible soul. The intangible soul can comprehend the intangible God.
Man’s physical body is the same as the animal’s body. But the soul, a breath of God, enters in at the time of conception, making him different from the animal. Because of his ability to think in the abstract, man can understand what the eye doesn’t see or what the ears don’t hear. What make us different from the animal is we can think in the abstract. And we think in the abstract because we have a soul. The animals have a mind that is limited to the five senses. We have a mind that includes the five senses, but it can also think in the abstract. We can comprehend things that we don’t see. This is the soul. The soul can only be known through a body. It can’t be known otherwise.
Surrounding the body is an aura. The plant has an aura. If you take a leaf and photograph its aura, and then break off a part of the leaf and photograph it again, you will still see the aura of the whole leaf, even though part of the leaf is gone. The animal also has an aura. Man also has an aura: a physical aura. As we evolve spiritually, our aura takes on a whiter appearance.
If you take a prism and you let the sun shine through it, you get a rainbow. If you take the base of that prism and put it to the base of another prism, the rainbow will come back as white light again. All the colors are in white light. When man takes on all the spiritual qualities, then the soul produces an aura around it. When the body dies, it goes back to the elements because it is composed of elements. The soul is not composed.
Anything that is composed must decompose. The soul is not an organization, and it is eternal. Man, unless he is enlightened by the Holy Spirit, has no spiritual body for his soul.
Man can know God through His Manifestations, Who are Adam, Moses, Krisna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, and today, the Bab and Baha’u’llah. God cannot be known in His Essence, but only through His Manifestations. Without the Manifestations, man would know nothing of God.
It’s like man is in a dark cave, and God is likened to the sun. The sun cannot reach man in his dark cave. The Manifestation comes and is like a mirror that reflects the light of God into the cave. The person in the cave can thus know the sun. He can feel its warmth and see its light in the mirror.
If the mirror should say, “I am in the sun,” it speaks the truth. If the mirror should say, “The sun is in me,” it also speaks the truth. If the mirror should say, “I have the rays of the sun,” it also speaks the truth because it is reflecting the rays of the sun. If the mirror says, “I am merely the mirror,” it also speaks the truth because the sun didn’t become the mirror and mirror didn’t become the sun.
This is what Jesus said:
“If you knew me, you would know my Father also.” (John 8:19) “I and the Father are one.” (John 10: 30)
“My Father…is greater than all,” (John 10:29)
“I go to the Father.” (John 16:10)
“Know that I am in my Father.” (John 14:20)
“I go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.” (John 14:25)
Jesus is the Manifestation of God that reflects the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit descended upon all the Manifestations. With Jesus, it descended upon Him as a dove.
“And behold, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and alighting on him.” (Matt. 3:16)
When the Holy Spirit descends upon the Manifestation, then it is reflected to all mankind, to the minds of men, and men can turn to the Holy Spirit through the Manifestation and reflect the same spiritual qualities, and attain the white aura. God saw man in the image of the animal: a barbarian, a cannibal. But He knew man had the soul. Therefore, He decided to create man in His own image.
God had the Holy Spirit descend upon Adam. Adam became a mirror, reflecting the Holy Spirit. Adam reflected this light to His descendents. The rest of the people were in the image of the animal. They had no written language and they couldn’t talk. They were educable, however, because they had the soul.
What comes to man, apart from the Manifestations, is a branch of the Holy Spirit through the Manifestation. This is the light that is reflected into the cave. We call this the secondary rays of the Holy Spirit. The direct rays are focused on the Manifestation when the Holy Spirit descends upon Him. The teachings taught by the Manifestations, give man an understanding of this spirit. Man thus receives the secondary rays of the Holy Spirit, by understanding and believing the teachings of the Manifestation.
Eventually, as man progresses in his physical body, his soul is likened to a man riding a horse. When the rider gets to his destination, his horse goes into the barn and the man goes on into the house.
There’s eventually a separation of the soul from the body when man goes into the next life, which is intangible. But God starts out with man first being able to recognize that He is intangible. The purpose of the creation of man is so that God would be known.
But God wanted something more than to be known. What do you think that is? God left a defect or an imperfection in man. It’s our freedom of choice. Why do you think God left this horrible imperfection?
If God only created man in order to be known, he wouldn’t have left that defect in man. Everyone would have to know God. But He took a chance on man. He gave him the freedom to turn towards Him or away from Him. After God preaches to know Him and worship Him, why would He leave that imperfection? Why didn’t He make it so everybody would have to worship Him?
He did this because He wanted something more than to the known. Do you know what that is? He wanted to be loved. In other words, we don’t have to accept God.
All this existence without love is meaningless. God had a love to be loved. He loves us. That’s why He called us into being. But in order for His love to reach us, we have to love Him. And in order for us to love Him, we have to have the freedom not to love Him. If you were to go to your lover, pull out a gun, hold it to her head and say, “Damn you, love me!” She would say, “Yes! Yes! I love you!”
Would that be love? No. That wouldn’t be love. That would be fear. What a guy does is bring her posies or candy or an apple. He woos her.
So too, God places us on this earth and He spreads out this beautiful world with its mountains, its prairies, its trees, its birds, its flowers, its fruits and vegetables. Plainly, He has created it. Everything that’s here, all this is for man.
What is He doing? He’s wooing man. Just like a lover might woo you by bringing you flowers, or inviting you out on a picnic. As you love your lover, your lover would love you. This is the relationship that God wants. He wants to be loved. He made man so he could love God. But True love comes from the heart. And since man has the freedom of love, he may turn away from God.
And God gets awful jealous when people start worshiping an idol. If you pray to this piece of chalk, your prayer goes to that piece of chalk. When you pray to the cat scratcher, your prayer goes to that… or to that picture up there, or that cross with that man on the cross, your prayer goes to that. If you pray to that idol, which is created by man, your prayer goes to that, and not to God. If you create an image of God in your mind, then your prayer returns to you, because you are the creator of that image, and your prayer doesn’t go to God. Thus, when people pray to things that are created by themselves, these prayers go back to themselves and do not go to God.
Therefore, men are still in their sins. They have not fulfilled the purpose of their creation. This pen writes. If it didn’t write, what do you think I would do with it? I’d throw it in the garbage. We are created to know God and to worship Him. If we fail to fulfill the reason of our creation, it’s off into the nethermost gloom. Who was the cause of your creation?
If you don’t want to accept the God that created you, go to the god of your own creation, which is in everyone’s dream. You have your choice. You have two different choices. You can have hell or heaven. All the religions of God have come, just like that pen. If it doesn’t write, you throw the thing away. Anything that doesn’t fulfill the reason of its creation is inert, and man is created for one purpose: to know and love God.
The minerals can’t know God. The vegetables and the animals can’t know God. Only man has this capacity. Therefore, he that has the intellect is held responsible for his actions. If God didn’t leave the imperfection of freedom of choice in man, man would be perfect. If he had to worship God and turn toward Him, then he wouldn’t have to do it of his own volition. God wanted a being to love Him and to worship Him of his own volition, just like we want our spouses to be in love with us of their own volition. We don’t want our spouses to love us because they are forced to do so.
You wouldn’t want anyone to respect you because you forced them to do so. But, you would expect respect for what you know and what you helped them to know. God is the same way, and He creates the whole universe.
The First Gift from God
[Arc of Ascent Descent 8x10]
When God created you, did He ask you if it was OK that He create you? No! He didn’t ask you or take you into His confidence. He just went ahead and created you without asking your permission. Would you sell your life for a million dollars? No! Here God has given you something you wouldn’t sell for a million dollars, free without any reservation or even asking you. The most precious thing you have is life.
The Second Gift from God
God gave you another gift, probably as great or even greater, your intellect. Without the intellect, you’d be like the cow not knowing if the earth is round. He didn’t ask you if it was OK if He gave you the intellect. He gave it to you as a gift, for free. Would you sell your intellect for a million dollars? No! Imagine if you were out in the desert, with nothing but sand. No vegetation, no water, and it was 120 degrees with no shade.
You were trudging along, looking for an oasis, a well, a river, a stream, a lake, or any type of water. Any water you saw would turn out to be a mirage. The whole day went by like this, and then the second day the same thing.
The third day you were ready to take your last breath. Then someone came along and said, “Would you like to have a glass of water?” Would you thank that person?
Yes! Every time you saw that person, you would say, “You wonderful person, you wonderful person, you gave me a glass of water!”
God has given you two gifts, life and the intellect, which you wouldn’t sell for a million dollars each. He spread out this beautiful world before you, and all the other gifts that he gives you. Would you thank him? Yes! The thanking of God is that you’re turning to Him and worshiping Him. You’re saying, “Thank you, Oh Lord, for this life that I have!”
The Third Gift from God
God wants to give you another gift, a greater one, but for this particular gift He’s going to take you into His confidence. He says, “I want to give you a third gift, it’s greater than the other two, but this gift depends upon you. That is, in order to have this gift, eternal life, you’ll need to come into an agreement with Me, enter into My Covenant, and turn to Me and worship Me. And then I will bring you into My Kingdom, in this life and the next. And you will live with Me in My felicity.”
But God makes this gift contingent. That is, you can turn away from it or you can accept it. This third gift is the gift that comes to us from the Holy Spirit. God doesn’t speak to us from a great voice in the sky. But from time to time God speaks to us through the mouth of the Holy Prophets, and through these Prophets the Thought of God becomes manifest to the world.
Thus these Prophets are called Manifestations of God. The only knowledge we have of God comes from the Manifestations. God in His essence is unknown. The only way we can know God is through His Spirit contacting us. In order for that Spirit to contact us, from time to time there is a person born with what we call the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit is able to receive the logos.
The logos is the thought of God. This person who has the Holy Spirit expresses God’s thoughts in words, in a Revelation. These people that are able to receive the thought of God have been created with something we don’t have.
We have the soul and the animal doesn’t, the animal has the five senses and the plant doesn’t, and the plant has growth and reproduction that the minerals don’t have. Likewise, the Manifestation of God has a soul, he has the five senses, he grows and reproduces, and He’s composed of minerals. But He also has the Holy Spirit. Therefore He is capable of receiving the Thought of God, which is the Logos. He gives us a Revelation revealing God to us. And thus God becomes Manifest.
The only thing we can ever know of God is this Logos, this thought of God expressed in a Revelation, because God is closer to us than our own breath, and our own jugular vein, but we don’t know Him. At the time of Adam, God revealed Himself to Adam as the One Invisible God. Before Adam, people didn’t know about the One Invisible God. There were great civilizations before Adam. There is no recorded history of this, but there is evidence of it. We know that there was a civilization called Atlantis, another called Lemuria, another called Mu, and there was another one besides that. Some people think it was called Titan.
There were four universal Manifestations of God, one for each of these four civilizations. Each of these civilizations came to an end with a great catastrophe. These civilizations had not evolved to the point that we have.
Mankind came out of the sea as an ameba, just like the animals did. Over millions of years, man evolved; just as at one time, a sperm and ovum came together inside your mother and you became a primal cell. At one time you were a primal cell so small it couldn’t be seen by the naked eye – the primal cell can only be seen under the microscope. Yet everything that you were going to be like was in that primal cell: the color of your eyes, the color of your hair, how tall you were going to be, everything was in that cell. All your characteristics, your hereditary traits and your hereditary character going all the way back to the ameba, was in that cell.
The experience of the human race all the way back to its origin in the sea is transferred to your soul when it comes into contact with the primal cell at the instant the sperm and the ovum come together.
Inside of an elephant, when the sperm and ovum come together, no soul is joined to that primal cell. In the womb of an elephant that cell is another elephant, in the womb of a lion it’s another lion, in the womb of a giraffe it’s another giraffe, but in the womb of a woman, it’s another person.
That person differs from the animal in that it possesses the soul. The soul is a breath of God that comes in contact with the primal cell at the time of conception. The body is composed of elements. These elements are universal and continue to exist.
That is, these elements existed before they came into the formation of your body. In the body these elements exist in a formation we call organic chemistry. After the body separates from the soul it goes back into the elements. These elements continue to exist, the only thing that dies is the form and shape of this combination. The single elements are indestructible – they continue forever.
It is only the combination of the elements that has a beginning and has an ending. Your soul is like a single element. The soul is an emanation of God. An emanation of God is different from the Manifestation of God – we’ve already seen what the Manifestation of God is.
The emanation of God can be understood like this: speech is the emanation of the speaker, art is the emanation of the artist, and music is the emanation of the composer. But the music is not the composer, the art is not the artist, and the speech is not the speaker. Your soul is an emanation from God, but it is not God. It emanates from God, just like speech, art or music emanates from a person. And this emanation of God is a single element therefore it is eternal.
When we were talking about eternal life, this eternal life is in the spiritual world, in the kingdom of God. Outside this Jesus said the people weep and gnash their teeth. Outside of this, the people aren’t living in harmony and unity. We call one condition heaven and the other condition is hell. Heaven is evolving towards God by turning to Him. You love Him, therefore His love reaches you and you evolve spiritually.
But if you don’t love God, this love doesn’t reach you and you don’t evolve spiritually. This is hell. Heaven is evolving to God hell is going the other way. So God offers eternal life to you – to your soul, which is your individuality.
You have three personalities. The first personality is inherited from the chromosomes and genes in the sperm and ovum, going all the way back to the ameba. This is an inherited personality. The second personality is the acquired personality, the chances of this world. Your parents educate you, you go to school, you have tests, trials and tribulations that you undergo, which are educational. In school, the teacher purposely gives you tests for your evolvement. God does the same thing – you have tests and trials in this life.
These tests and difficulties are actually for your benefit and are educational. Baha’u’llah says, “When calamity exists in the greatest degree, rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for these are the gifts and favors of God.”
These tests that you have ultimately lead you to God. They lead you to ask, “God, where are you? I need your help.” or “God, you created me, why am I here?” These tests lead you to the third personality, which is the spiritual development acquired through turning to God. The Bible calls this becoming “created in the image of God” – God gives you His spiritual qualities and attributes such as mercy, compassion, generosity, love, wisdom, justice, and so on.
At the time of Adam, man was in the image of the animal – he had two eyes, two ears, mouth, nose, arms, and legs. But through the Revelation of Adam and the succeeding Manifestations, man takes on spiritual qualities. These spiritual qualities prepare man for the next life.
When we separate from the body, we lose the inherited personality and the acquired personality to a certain extent. The first pages of the Bible mention Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They are told, “If you eat of the knowledge of good and evil you’re going to die.” Our second type of personality comes from eating of the knowledge of good and evil, that is, the opposites of this life.
Everything in this life is in the opposites. We have light and dark – dark is the absence of light, cold is the absence of heat, vacuum is the absence of atmospheric pressure, bad is the absence of good, evil is the absence of spiritual qualities. All of the negative is replaced by the positive – dark is replaced by light, cold is replaced by heat – light, heat, and knowledge are the positive qualities.
Without these opposites, we wouldn’t be able to know the positive qualities. If it wasn’t for cold, we wouldn’t know what heat is, if it wasn’t for darkness, we wouldn’t know what light is, and if it wasn’t for ignorance, we wouldn’t know what knowledge is.
The purpose of being in this world of opposites is for us to evolve far enough so that we can think in the abstract, turn to the Manifestation of God, and take on the spiritual qualities. Taking on the spiritual qualities prepares our soul for the next life. To the grave goes the physical body, but the soul, your individuality, continues on into the next life.
Although in the next life we lose to some extent our inherited and acquired personality characteristics, we will have our individuality. You will always be you throughout eternity. You won’t become Jesus, or Joan of Arc, or someone else. We get our individuality when the sperm and the ovum come together, when the soul comes in contact with the primal cell and we receive our identity as an individual.
In the analogy of the horse and the rider, the horse or body finally goes on into the barn, and the rider goes on into the house, or into heaven. When you make your choice to turn to God, then you go into His house, which is what we call heaven. And hell is going the other way.
The only way, however, that we can know God, is through the Holy Spirit that comes to us through the Manifestations, that is the Prophets of God. They give you this spiritual education in order for you to evolve towards God.
But in order to evolve towards God, you first have to love God, turn towards Him and supplicate to Him in order that you may receive these spiritual qualities. We can receive a branch of the Holy Spirit through the Manifestation of our day.
The Manifestations are like pure and polished mirrors which reflect the light of God to us. Each man receives a branch of the Holy Spirit, according to his capacity, just as each color reflects a certain part of the sun’s rays that shine upon it.
The first part is the spiritual message, through which we attain the spiritual qualities of love, mercy, justice, generosity, fidelity, concord, etc. Civilization is impossible without these qualities. The second part is the laws, ordinances and teachings for an ever-advancing civilization. In school, we go to first grade, second grade, third grade, all the way up to a University education. Through the Manifestations, we learn more and more about the same great revelation of God, through each Manifestation.
Like I said, there are two parts to a Manifestation’s message. The first part has to do with this life.
The other part is the part that changes man from a savage to an angelic state. Spirituality does not consist of all the observances that they have you do in the Church such as baptism or confirmation. These things don’t have anything at all to do with spirituality. Spirituality consists of taking on the spiritual qualities of knowing God and worshipping Him, and evolving towards Him.
But the only way you can do this is through the Manifestation which receives the logos – the Revelation of God. Now, the mineral doesn’t become vegetable, but the vegetable absorbs the mineral. The vegetable doesn’t become animal, but the animal eats the vegetable and it becomes part of the animal. The animal, no matter how far it may advance, it will never have the intellect as man does. When an animal dies it goes back to the elements. But man can eat the animal and the animal becomes part of man. Man, no matter how perfect his body becomes, no matter how far he evolves, unless he comes in contact with the Holy Spirit through the divine Manifestations, he is mortal. Only man has the capacity to know God. He alone has the intellect.
By knowing God and by turning to God through His manifestations — because God can’t be known in His essence, in His pure essence — as we turn to God through His Spirit that comes down through the manifestations of God, we turn to God. And then we start our pathway back to God.
He created us in order that He Himself might be known. It’s just like if you were a beautiful and tremendous artist and you lived in the kingdom of the blind…. Or a great musician and you lived in the kingdom of the deaf…. What would you do? God is not heard in His kingdom. He doesn’t have to be touched. He’s an intangible. God is an intangible, not a tangible. Therefore, He can only be known by an intangible, and man has this intangible self. Back to top:
Man evolved from the sea, but mankind could not always think in the abstract. The species we call “man” was always a distinct species, ultimately meant to rule over all the beasts of the field and every plant that grows. The fact that man was a distinct species that evolved is discussed by Abdu’l-Baha in Some Answered Questions:
“As man in the womb of the mother passes from form to form, from shape to shape, changes and develops, and is still the human species from the beginning of the embryonic period – in the same way man, from the beginning of his existence in the matrix of the world, is also a distinct species – that is, man has gradually evolved from one form to another. Therefore, this change of appearance, this evolution of members, this development and growth, even though we admit the reality of growth and progress, does not prevent the species from being original” (Some Answered Questions, pp. 193-194).
Baha’u’llah confirms that civilizations existed prior to the coming of Adam in circa 4000 B.C.:
“And now regarding thy question, ‘How is it that no records are to be found concerning the Prophets that have preceded Adam…?’ Know thou that the absence of any reference to them is no proof that they did not actually exist. That no records concerning them are now available, should be attributed to their extreme remoteness, as well as to the vast changes which the earth hath undergone since their time….
“Moreover such forms and modes of writing as are now current amongst men were unknown to the generations that were before Adam. There was even a time when men were wholly ignorant of the art of writing, and had adopted a system entirely different from the one which they now use” (Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, pp. 172-173).
Prior to the civilization that began with Adam and Eve, man had attained to a fairly high degree of civilization in places like Atlantis and Lemuria. However, people in these civilizations were never able to think in the abstract. The cerebrum of man’s brain, which is the section of the brain that thinks in the abstract, was not as well developed as it is today. Men’s heads were flat on top and the cerebellum was large, much like that of animals. Although manifestations or prophets of God came to these civilizations, their teachings about God were not able to be described using abstract concepts, as the capacity of man did not allow for it.
These civilizations wound up destroying themselves, leaving little trace of their existence. Otto Muck, who wrote the book The Secret of Atlantis, said the civilization of Atlantis was destroyed in 8498 B.C. Charles Hapgood, who wrote the book the Earth’s Shifting Crust, says it was destroyed about 11,000 years ago.
Undoubtedly a certain number of Atlanteans survived the catastrophe that destroyed Atlantis, and perhaps from one of these people came Adam. Adam was a prophet of God, and the first man on earth to become “God-conscious,” or conscious of an invisible God. Adam was also the first man to think in the abstract. Prior to the coming of Adam mankind had not yet been taught the concept of an invisible God.
While on the one hand, Adam was a prophet, on the other, many of the Bible stories about Adam and Eve are parables. In them, the body or spirit of man is referred to as “Adam,” and the soul of Adam is referred to as Eve. The word Adam means “Red Earth,” and the name Eve means “living” or “to live.” The prophet Adam was the first man to “live” spiritually. Abdu’l-Baha, the son of Baha’u’llah, Who is the prophet of the Baha’i faith, writes:
“This story of Adam and Eve who ate from the tree, and their expulsion from Paradise, must be thought of simply as a symbol…. Adam signifies the heavenly spirit of Adam, and Eve His human soul” (Some Answered Questions, p. 123). .God sends the prophet Adam after man evolves to the point of being able to think in the abstract
Man evolved from the sea, but mankind could not always think in the abstract. The species we call “man” was always a distinct species, ultimately meant to rule over all the beasts of the field and every plant that grows. The fact that man was a distinct species that evolved is discussed by Abdu’l-Baha in Some Answered Questions:
“As man in the womb of the mother passes from form to form, from shape to shape, changes and develops, and is still the human species from the beginning of the embryonic period – in the same way man, from the beginning of his existence in the matrix of the world, is also a distinct species – that is, man has gradually evolved from one form to another. Therefore, this change of appearance, this evolution of members, this development and growth, even though we admit the reality of growth and progress, does not prevent the species from being original” (Some Answered Questions, Abdu’l-Baha, pp. 193-194).
Baha’u’llah confirms that civilizations existed prior to the coming of Adam in circa 4000 B.C.:
“And now regarding thy question, ‘How is it that no records are to be found concerning the Prophets that have preceded Adam…?’
“Know thou that the absence of any reference to them is no proof that they did not actually exist. That no records concerning them are now available, should be attributed to their extreme remoteness, as well as to the vast changes which the earth hath undergone since their time.
“Moreover such forms and modes of writing as are now current amongst men were unknown to the generations that were before Adam. There was even a time when men were wholly ignorant of the art of writing, and had adopted a system entirely different from the one which they now use” (Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, pp. 172-173).
Prior to the civilization that began with Adam and Eve, man had attained to a fairly high degree of civilization in places like Atlantis and Lemuria. However, people in these civilizations were never able to think in the abstract. The cerebrum of man’s brain, which is the section of the brain that thinks in the abstract, was not as well¬ developed as it is today. Men’s heads were flat on top and the cerebellum was large, much like that of animals. Although manifestations or prophets of God came to these civilizations, their teachings about God were not able to be described using abstract concepts, as the capacity of man did not allow for it.
These civilizations wound up destroying themselves, leaving little trace of their existence. Otto Muck, author of the book The Secret of Atlantis, said the civilization of Atlantis was destroyed in 8498 B.C. Charles Hapgood, author of the book the Earth’s Shifting Crust, says it was destroyed about 11,000 years ago.
Undoubtedly a certain number of Atlanteans survived the catastrophe that destroyed Atlantis, and perhaps from one of these people came Adam. Adam was a prophet of God, and the first man on earth to become “God-conscious,” or conscious of an invisible God. Adam was also the first man to think in the abstract. Prior to the coming of Adam, man had not yet been taught the concept of an invisible God.
While on the one hand, Adam was a prophet, on the other, many of the Bible stories about Adam and Eve are parables. In them, the body or spirit of man is referred to as “Adam,” and the soul of Adam is referred to as Eve. The word Adam means “Red Earth,” and the name Eve means “living” or “to live.” The prophet Adam was the first man to “live” spiritually. Abdu’l-Baha, the son of Baha’u’llah, who is the prophet of the Baha’i faith, writes:
This story of Adam and Eve who ate from the tree, and their expulsion from Paradise, must be thought of simply as a symbol…. Adam signifies the heavenly spirit of Adam, and Eve His human soul…. (Some Answered Questions, p. 123)
The prophet Adam was the first teacher to become illumined with the Holy Spirit. The parables about Adam and Eve in the beginning of the Bible are based on two real people: the Prophet Adam and His wife Eve.
The Bible says God made Adam in His likeness. This is not referring to a physical body of Adam. It is referring to the fact that Adam possessed spiritual qualities that come from God. Therefore He was in the likeness of God. Generally, people at that time were not in the likeness of God because they did not have spiritual qualities.
The parable of Adam and Eve goes something like this: God made man out of the dust of the earth. He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and he became a living being. Then God made sleep fall upon Adam. After Adam fell asleep, God took a rib out of Adam and made Eve. Then He placed them in the Garden of Eden. God said they could eat all the fruit of this garden, except the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, for the day they eat thereof they are going to die. Then God left. After God left, along came a snake. The snake said to Eve, “Look! See what I’ve got?”
Eve said, “What?”
The snake said, “It’s the fruit of the tree of good and evil.”
Eve said, “I’m not supposed to eat that, and the day I do I will die.”
The snake said, “That’s not true. The day that you eat it you will become a god among gods.”
Eve looked and she saw it was good to eat, so she ate thereof, and her eyes were opened.
How was she able to see that it was good to eat if her eyes were closed?
Eve gave some to Adam and his eyes were opened. They looked and saw they were naked so they went and hid in the bushes. They put on fig leaves.
God came walking through the garden in the middle of the day. He called for Adam. “Adam, where are you?”
Adam said, “I’m over here Lord!”
God said, “What are you doing over there in the bushes?”
Adam said, “I’m naked!”
God said, “Aha! You ate of that tree or you wouldn’t know you were naked!”
If we take this story in its literal sense, it is the babbling of a numbskull rather than something from an intelligent God. This story is actually an allegory or parable that tells us how we were created.
The Bible says: “This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him. Male and female created he them, and called their name Adam in the day they were created” (Gen 5:1-2, KJV).
It says “male and female created he THEM, and called THEIR name Adam.”
Both Adam and Eve were called Adam because the word Adam means red earth, and this is a parable referring to the fact that their physical bodies come from the earth. As humans, our bodies come from the elements. The body of man is Adam and man’s body comes from the elements of the earth. Man eats animals and vegetables, and in this way, his body absorbs the minerals from the earth. Man’s body is made up of “red earth,” or Adam.
Then the Bible says God took one rib from Adam and made Eve. If male and female are Adam, or made from the elements of the earth, then who is Eve?
Eve is the soul of man.
When students go to college to become doctors they have to take a class on embryology. In embryology they study what happens when the sperm and the ovum come together. The sperm and the ovum come together in the Fallopian tube of a woman. The sperm swims up the vagina, into the uterus and into the Fallopian tube. There it meets the ovum, impregnates it, and these two cells come together and become the Primal Cell. You can see this cell under a microscope.
Grey’s Anatomy, a textbook on anatomy, says chromosomes are rib-like substances, meaning chromosomes shaped like ribs. If you dye a Primal Cell, you can see these rib-like chromosomes. In the chromosomes are the genes that determine what a person is going to be like, for example how tall they will be, the color of their eyes, their hair color, and so on.
God takes one of these rib-like chromosomes from the Primal Cell, which is made up of the sperm and the ovum from the male and female bodies, and makes Eve. God takes a rib out of Adam (the body of man) and makes Eve (the soul of man).
At the minute that this Primal Cell was made, the soul dropped in. Then the cilia of the Fallopian tubes carry the Primal Cell into the uterus, which is the Garden of Eden. This is the meaning of the parable about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. In the womb, there is no freedom of choice. The body and soul of man, before the baby is born into the world, is likened to being in the Garden of Eden.
God said in the Garden of Eden, or in the womb of the mother, “You can eat all the fruit.” The fruit is the mother’s blood that is made up of the elements of this world. But, He says, “You shall not know good from evil.”
In the womb it’s just one condition so you can’t know the difference between good and evil. It’s dark, there’s one temperature and no movement. It’s just one condition. After nine months of development, the brain evolves and it attains a certain state of perfection so it is ready to comprehend the difference between good and evil. Then it emits an enzyme into the amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac. This enzyme causes the uterus to contract, creating the birth contractions, and we are born into the knowledge of good and evil in this world.
In this world everything is in opposites. We have light and dark, hot and cold, vacuum and pressure. We have fast and slow. We have knowledge and ignorance, riches and poverty, good and bad. We have spirituality and a pagan theology. All of these conditions exist in this world. Before one eats of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that is, before they are born into this world, there are no opposites. In the womb there is no light and dark, fast and slow, good and bad, or anything like that. Whereas after we are born into this world, we gradually become cognizant of what is good and bad.
The serpent is the intellect. The intellect is the window of the soul. If a man uses his intellect, the serpent, to turn to the Tree of Life, he becomes spiritual. Otherwise, if the serpent gets attached to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, or to the opposites in this world, it crawls on its belly. This is the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. We are eating of this fruit, and it says the day that you eat of it you die (spiritually – see Gen. 3:3). This all pertains to this world.
But in the story of the Garden of Eden there is another tree. This is the tree of life and it says if anyone should eat of this tree, he will live forever and ever. It is in the midst of the garden and the Bible says that God placed cherubim around the Tree of Life to guard the way of the Tree of Life. These cherubim are the spiritual qualities. One is love: Love God that He may love thee. Another is justice. Another is knowledge, and so forth. These are the things that are essential in order to know God.
We have to be true to ourselves. We can’t love the lie, or believe the lie, or create an image of God in deference to God, or any of these things, and still expect to complete the reason for our creation.
In order for an animal to become human it has to be eaten by the human. In order for the vegetable to become animal it has to be eaten by the animal. In order for the mineral to become vegetable it has to be absorbed by the vegetable. In order for man to become spiritual he has to be absorbed by this Tree of Life. Unless he is absorbed by this Tree of Life, he does not become spiritual. This story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is very figurative. If it isn’t figurative, if it isn’t like 2 + 2 = 4, then it’s nonsense. If it isn’t factual, it’s nonsense.
Following is Abdu’l-Baha’s explanation of the parable of Adam and Eve from Some Answered Questions, pp. 122-126:
Question. – What is the truth of the story of Adam, and His eating of the fruit of the tree?
Answer. – In the Bible it is written that God put Adam in the garden of Eden, to cultivate and take care of it, and said to Him: “Eat of every tree of the garden except the tree of good and evil, for if You eat of that, You will die.” Then it is said that God caused Adam to sleep, and He took one of His ribs and created woman in order that she might be His companion.
After that it is said the serpent induced the woman to eat of the tree, saying: “God has forbidden you to eat of the tree in order that your eyes may not be opened, and that you may not know good from evil.” Then Eve ate from the tree and gave unto Adam, Who also ate; their eyes were opened, they found themselves naked, and they hid their bodies with leaves. In consequence of this act they received the reproaches of God.
God said to Adam: “Hast Thou eaten of the forbidden tree?”
Adam answered: “Eve tempted Me, and I did eat.”
God then reproved Eve; Eve said: “The serpent tempted me, and I did eat.”
For this the serpent was cursed, and enmity was put between the serpent and Eve, and between their descendants. And God said: “The man is become like unto Us, knowing good and evil, and perhaps He will eat of the tree of life and live forever.” So God guarded the tree of life.
If we take this story in its apparent meaning, according to the interpretation of the masses, it is indeed extraordinary. The intelligence cannot accept it, affirm it, or imagine it; for such arrangements, such details, such speeches and reproaches are far from being those of an intelligent man, how much less of the Divinity – that Divinity Who has organized this infinite universe in the most perfect form, and its innumerable inhabitants with absolute system, strength and perfection.
We must reflect a little: if the literal meaning of this story were attributed to a wise man, certainly all would logically deny that this arrangement, this invention, could have emanated from an intelligent being. Therefore, this story of Adam and Eve who ate from the tree, and their expulsion from Paradise, must be thought of simply as a symbol. It contains divine mysteries and universal meanings, and it is capable of marvelous explanations. Only those who are initiated into mysteries, and those who are near the Court of the All-Powerful, are aware of these secrets. Hence these verses of the Bible have numerous meanings.
We will explain one of them, and we will say: Adam signifies the heavenly spirit of Adam, and Eve His human soul. For in some passages in the Holy Books where women are mentioned, they represent the soul of man. The tree of good and evil signifies the human world; for the spiritual and divine world is purely good and absolutely luminous, but in the human world light and darkness, good and evil, exist as opposite conditions.
The meaning of the serpent is attachment to the human world. This attachment of the spirit to the human world led the soul and spirit of Adam from the world of freedom to the world of bondage and caused Him to turn from the Kingdom of Unity to the human world. When the soul and spirit of Adam entered the human world, He came out from the paradise of freedom and fell into the world of bondage. From the height of purity and absolute goodness, He entered into the world of good and evil.
The tree of life is the highest degree of the world of existence: the position of the Word of God, and the supreme Manifestation. Therefore, that position has been preserved; and, at the appearance of the most noble supreme Manifestation, it became apparent and clear. For the position of Adam, with regard to the appearance and manifestation of the divine perfections, was in the embryonic condition; the position of Christ was the condition of maturity and the age of reason; and the rising of the Greatest Luminary was the condition of the perfection of the essence and of the qualities. This is why in the supreme Paradise the tree of life is the expression for the center of absolutely pure sanctity – that is to say, of the divine supreme Manifestation. From the days of Adam until the days of Christ, They spoke little of eternal life and the heavenly universal perfections. This tree of life was the position of the Reality of Christ; through His manifestation it was planted and adorned with everlasting fruits.
Now consider how far this meaning conforms to the reality. For the spirit and the soul of Adam, when they were attached to the human world, passed from the world of freedom into the world of bondage, and His descendants continued in bondage. This attachment of the soul and spirit to the human world, which is sin, was inherited by the descendants of Adam, and is the serpent which is always in the midst of, and at enmity with, the spirits and the descendants of Adam. That enmity continues and endures. For attachment to the world has become the cause of the bondage of spirits, and this bondage is identical with sin, which has been transmitted from Adam to His posterity. It is because of this attachment that men have been deprived of essential spirituality and exalted position.
When the sanctified breezes of Christ and the holy light of the Greatest Luminary were spread abroad, the human realities – that is to say, those who turned toward the Word of God and received the profusion of His bounties – were saved from this attachment and sin, obtained everlasting life, were delivered from the chains of bondage, and attained to the world of liberty. They were freed from the vices of the human world, and were blessed by the virtues of the Kingdom. This is the meaning of the words of Christ, “I gave My blood for the life of the world” [that] is to say, I have chosen all these troubles, these sufferings, calamities, and even the greatest martyrdom, to attain this object, the remission of sins (that is, the detachment of spirits from the human world, and their attraction to the divine world) in order that souls may arise who will be the very essence of the guidance of mankind, and the manifestations of the perfections of the Supreme Kingdom.
Observe that if, according to the suppositions of the People of the Book, the meaning were taken in its exoteric sense, it would be absolute injustice and complete predestination. If Adam sinned by going near the forbidden tree, what was the sin of the glorious Abraham, and what was the error of Moses the Interlocutor? What was the crime of Noah the Prophet? What was the transgression of Joseph the Truthful? What was the iniquity of the Prophets of God, and what was the trespass of John the Chaste? Would the justice of God have allowed these enlightened Manifestations, on account of the sin of Adam, to find torment in hell until Christ came and by the sacrifice of Himself saved them from excruciating tortures? Such an idea is beyond every law and rule and cannot be accepted by any intelligent person.
No; it means what has already been said: Adam is the spirit of Adam, and Eve is His soul; the tree is the human world, and the serpent is that attachment to this world which constitutes sin, and which has infected the descendants of Adam. Christ by His holy breezes saved men from this attachment and freed them from this sin. The sin in Adam is relative to His position. Although from this attachment there proceed results, nevertheless, attachment to the earthly world, in relation to attachment to the spiritual world, is considered as a sin. The good deeds of the righteous are the sins of the Near Ones. This is established. So bodily power is not only defective in relation to spiritual power; it is weakness in comparison. In the same way, physical life, in comparison with eternal life in the Kingdom, is considered as death. So Christ called the physical life death, and said: “Let the dead bury their dead.” Though those souls possessed physical life, yet in His eyes that life was death.
This is one of the meanings of the biblical story of Adam. Reflect until you discover the others.
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Reincarnation is the belief that the soul, upon the death of the body, comes back to earth in another body or form. This belief comes out of the imagination of people, but it also comes from the teachings. Krishna taught that we go from body to body. However, He meant that we go from a physical body, to a spiritual body. Once we have a spiritual body, we go from being like a two-winged angelic body, to a four-winged angelic body, to a six-winged angelic body, and so on. There are many dimensions in creation. On this earth, we dwell in the first three dimensions, but in the next life, there are an infinite number of dimensions. Jesus alluded to this when He said, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions.” Jesus also said, “I go to prepare a place for you.” What is meant here is that we come from God. Our souls came from God.
When we talk about God, people have all different concepts. In different people, different concepts enter the mind. The word “God” doesn’t mean the same thing to any two people. They either go by their own imagination about what God is, or they accept one of the imaginary concepts that someone else put forth about Him. So some of them think God is Jesus and some think He’s a big man sitting on a throne up in the sky with a long beard and a wand in His hand.
God is invisible. We don’t see Him, taste Him, touch Him, feel Him, or hear Him. He pervades the universe. He is always present. In His essence He is unknowable.
Abdu’l-Baha’ says being born is like falling into a mud puddle. You get dirty. So if we reincarnated back here to fall in the mud puddle again, that wouldn’t get us clean. The thing that gets us clean is to turn to the manifestation, but we have the freedom of choice as to whether we will do this.
Where did the thought of reincarnation come from? It came from the Hindus. It started even before that. Abraham had three wives: Sarah was the first wife. From Sarah’s offspring came the Israelites. Abraham’s second wife was Hagar, and from her offspring came the Arabs and Muhammad. The third wife, Keturah, had six sons and from them came the Aryans – the Indo-European civilization. From Keturah came Krishna, Zoroaster and Buddha.
Before these manifestations of Krishna, Zoroaster and Buddha, the Israelites went down into Egypt and they became pagans under the Egyptians. Likewise, the descendants of Abraham and Hagar went down into Arabia and became pagan. When Muhammad came they had 360 gods in the Kabah. All the descendants of Abraham became pagan. Those of the third wife also became pagan, and they invaded India.
Now the people of India had dark skin and curly hair. The Aryans had light skin and straight hair. These Aryans who invaded India, you can see because of the sun they have gotten darker. But they have the same features as any other Aryan – as the Germans and so forth. “Indo-European,” they are called. The Indo-European languages are all one. When they got to India the people there were still in the sub-races yet. They hadn’t yet been able to think in the abstract, so the sons of Abraham took over the country.
It was just like when people came to America and took it away from the Indians. The black man in India outnumbered the Aryans 1000 to one, and the Aryans didn’t want these people to take over their religion because they hadn’t evolved to a point of thinking in the abstract. So they took Adam and they said He was Manu. In Hindu mythology, Manu was descended from Brahma or Brahm, who was God.
Adam and Manu both mean “man.” Since “man” has body, they divided man, or Manu, up into four groups – the head, the arms and chest, the legs, and the feet. The head represents the upper class and the feet were the lower class. In other words, they set up the caste system. The upper castes were those who came down and conquered, and the lower caste was the mass of the Indian people, who did all the dirty work. They had to clean the spittoons, sweep the floors, etc.
They said the upper caste were the Brahmans, which was the clergy class and the head of Manu, or man. They said the arms and chest were the second caste, and they were the government officials – the mayors, policemen, the jailers, and also the king. The third case were the artisans – the people that made the tables and the houses – they were the carpenters and the blacksmiths. The fourth caste were the laborers, or slave caste, which was the mass of the Indian people.
The upper castes didn’t want the people to intermarry out of their caste because they were setting up a structure for a civilization. They wanted this lower caste to always remain the labor caste. If they intermarried, this would do away with the laborers, who would eventually marry up to the king and the priesthood and take it. The upper caste said they couldn’t do that. But they said if the lower caste performed their services and their labor with perfection, then they would come back reincarnate into an upper caste. Then, if they performed in that caste in proper function, they would come back in the next caste, which is the ruling caste. If those in the ruling caste performed their function properly, they would come back in the upper caste, which is the priestly caste. Then, those in the priestly caste, if they performed their function perfectly, they would go to nirvana and they wouldn’t incarnate again. Nirvana is their term for heaven.
This caste system was made in order to keep the people enslaved, just like when the white people brought the black man from Africa. They didn’t allow the black people to marry into the white race. It was forbidden in all the southern states. Up until just a few years ago, it was even forbidden in this area and other places. They weren’t allowed to intermarry. They had to sit in the back of the bus and everything else. They thought that by not having them intermarry they could always spot a slave, because he’d be black. But, it wasn’t long until they got their rights.
In India, in order to keep the people from getting their rights, they told them the only way they could get their rights was to reincarnate. Be a perfect slave and you’ll be rewarded in an upper caste.
But none of the manifestations of God have taught this. All Krishna said was you will have another body and another body and another body. He was referring to spiritual bodies, like all the manifestations of God have taught.
Now probably the only real way of accepting this is to find out if this person who’s telling us this is the manifestation of God or not, because Baha’u’llah taught the infallibility of the manifestation. That is, God is speaking in the manifestation. They are the mirrors and the mouthpieces. It’s the thought of God expressed in a Word. So, as it’s God speaking, He is perfect. These revelations come from God, and if someone proves He is a manifestation, then when we accept Him we’re accepting the Word that comes from God. And this is the truth of the matter.
The Soul and the Body
To further dispel the reincarnation tripe, do you know about positive and negative – in regard to how two magnets attract and repel one another? If you have two magnets and you put the two positive ends together, they won’t come together – they’ll repel. Turn them around and they’ll come together. Positive and negative will come together and negative and positive will come together.
All right now, let’s talk about when a human is conceived in the womb. At conception, which is positive: the physical body or the soul? The physical body is, because the physical body comes into existence in the animal spirit and then we have the five senses. This all came about through evolution. We all came out of the sea as an amoeba. All life on this planet came out of the sea as an amoeba. When you were in the womb of your mother you were an amoeba, a primal cell. But in that prima cell, or the amoeba, was everything that you were going to be in this life: the color of your eyes, the color of your hair, your shape, your height, and your sex. All of what you were going to be was concealed in that primal cell.
But it goes through various stages. At one time, in the womb of your mother, you had a tail and gills – just like the amoeba of the human coming out of the sea. At one time it had gills and a tail. But it evolved and it lost its tail and gills. It came out of the sea and it started walking on all fours, and then on two fee, and it evolved to what it is today. Everything of what it was going to be was in the amoeba of the sea.
It’s just like when you plant an orange seed and you get an orange tree, or when you plant an apple seed and you get an apple tree. The difference between apples and oranges was determined in their seeds. The seeds determined what trees they would be. There was a seed for man and there was a seed for elephants, and a seed for dogs, and another one for a cat. Each species came from a specific amoeba in which the chromosomes and the DNA were arranged so it would reproduce. But each would evolve until it got to a certain state. With the coming of Adam, man entered into the state where he could think in the abstract and he became able to receive this knowledge that we have here.
Now if the physical body is positive, then the soul is like a white sheet of paper. A white sheet of paper has nothing written on it. A beautiful picture can be put on it or you can write a poem, or you can write a whole book. Or, we could take a piece of paper and print a 10 in the corner and make it worth $10, and on another one we could put a 1 in the corner and make it worth $1. They’re both a piece of paper, but one is worth 10 times more than the other. Or, you could put a 50, or 100, or 1000, or 10,000 on it. But it all started out as a white sheet of paper with nothing on it at all.
Your soul, when it came in contact with your body, was a white sheet of paper. It was negative. Nothing was on it. The physical body, which is positive, attracted it. When the sperm and the ovum came together, the soul was attracted to this physical body – to the chromosomes. God took a rib – a chromosome – and made Eve – the soul. The soul was attracted to the body, which is Adam. Adam means “red earth.” The physical body was made from the minerals, or from the earth. Adam is the physical body, Eve is the soul.
If the soul was positive, if it had something written on it, then two positives wouldn’t have attracted together. One had to be negative and the other one had to be positive. So the soul was a white sheet of paper. Everything that you know started from the moment of conception. During the nine month period when you were in the womb, millions of years of evolution of the chromosomes were transferred to your soul from the genes of your parentage, which go all the way back to the amoeba.
There are three types of personalities or three types of characters in every person. One is the inherited personality, coming from the amoeba – from the evolution of the primal cell. That is your inherited character. The second is your acquired personality, that is derived from the eating of the apple, or from eating of the knowledge of good and evil: that is, from learning the opposites of this world. But neither one is going to make you spiritual or make you an angel. The third character is that which is derived from receiving a branch of the Holy Spirit, by turning to the manifestation. Then, your soul starts to take on value like the dollar bill. It becomes a 10 dollar bill, a 1000 dollar bill, or a million dollar bill. It keeps evolving, but it always has to turn to the manifestation for its source, just like in the physical life we have to turn to the sun for energy.
Now this light that we have coming from this lamp here, and from the lamp on the wall there, where did that come from? It came from the sun. All energy on this planet came from the sun. It’s stored energy. Coal is stored energy. It was plant life, it absorbed the energy from the sun, the plant life was buried in the ground and it became coal and oil. Electricity is from the sun. All this energy came from the sun. We owe our physical life to the sun. If the sun goes out of business, we go out of business. Our physical body goes out of business.
We owe our spiritual life to the manifestation. That’s the spiritual sun. If we separate ourselves from the manifestation, we die spiritually. We are spiritually dead. This is what happened to Lazarus when Jesus came and said “Come back. Come out, Lazarus.” He came back from being spiritually dead. If we turn from the physical sun, we’ll die because we have to receive that energy. If we turn from the spiritual sun, we die spiritually.
Reincarnation is a farce to enslave a people. Now they have outlawed the caste system in India, but a lot of them still practice it. They try to keep part of them as slaves.
They keep teaching them – if you do right, you’ll evolve up in the next incarnation. Reincarnation was invented by the priestcraft who invaded India in order to enslave a people. We don’t need to be gullible and give it any credence. None of the prophets of God taught reincarnation. It is all a priestcraft. It’s all pagan. It’s all something to keep man in slavery, chains.
You seek the truth and the truth will make you free. The only way you get the truth is to find the manifestation. This is why we give you the proofs of the manifestations. Now, I’m not leading you to me. I’m leading you to the manifestation. Just the same as the manifestation is your source of the Word of God, it is my source. What I give to you, I got from the manifestation. It’s from turning, over a lifetime, a long time, to the manifestation.
What are the souls like before conception?
Like a white sheet of paper. To further explain it, let’s take a piece of paper. Where does a piece of paper come from? It comes off of a great big roll. It comes out of the mill and they put it on rolls. Then the roll runs through a machine and it cuts it into sheets. Then these sheets are cut into smaller sheets. I buy sheets of paper this big, but they come off of bigger sheets, as big as this table. But I buy them about this big, then I cut them down on my cutter in the shop into the size that I want them, so I can print on them. I can cut them down to little pieces or big pieces – whatever I want.
Just as the paper, the soul comes off of the roll when it comes in contact with the human cell, the primal cell. At that point it starts to become individualized. It’s like a sheet of paper. All souls come from God, like paper comes out of the mill. That is, the soul comes in contact with the physical body and gets an inherited personality, and as your inheritance is different from mine and from hers, our inherited personalities differ. Also, what we acquire through our experiences is different. Each individual is different in what character traits he acquires. With the coming of the manifestation, He sends out the energy from the Holy Spirit to all people. This book written by the manifestation is for all people to read. Some people will spend their time in reading His books and studying them and evolving, and going out teaching – things that they’re supposed to do. And they evolve to high stations of spirituality. And that’s the purpose of this life.
When you get to a certain state of evolvement in this life – the seraphim – this life has nothing more to offer you. You go on and you keep on evolving. A person who doesn’t attain to that during this life, attains to it later on in the next life. But, it is always upward, never going back to where you come from. It is as hard to reincarnate as it is for you to get back into the womb of your mother. You can try to crawl back into it, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t do it.
Now certain people who regress mentally, they finally end up entering into their mother’s womb mentally. They get so they have to be fed and they mess their pants and things like this. They just keep regressing but they can’t get back into the mother’s womb. And you can’t come into another womb by reincarnation. This is all priestcraft stuff. It’s not from the manifestations.
Is there a finite number of souls?
Is God creating new souls?
God has always been creating souls. And He always will be creating souls. He had no beginning and no ending. Creation had no beginning and no ending. This globe had a beginning and this globe will have an ending. Before this globe was created there were other globes. And before those globes, there were others. This physical universe has gone on forever, and it will go on forever. And, as there is no end to space, it will never become overcrowded. This earth may become overcrowded, but we aren’t going to stay on this earth. The soul is not limited to space or time.
Through the evolution of man, has man always had a soul? And when did man start to evolve to what man is?
When the sperm and the ovum come together, the soul becomes connected to it. his is at the moment of conception. The amoeba, the seed of man had a soul. The soul was there as long as there was sex, whenever that started – whenever there was the male and the female. We go way back to bacterium, but we still had soul.
But man has not always been in the form that we are now?
We had gills and we had a tail when we were in our mother, and also when we came out of the sea. The evolution of Darwin is not the evolution that we believe in. He believes that all beings came from a single amoeba and each different species broke off. What do they call it? Mutation. He calls it the mutation of species. In this way he connects us up with the monkey, by saying that we all come from a single amoeba. Abdu’l-Baha said, Baloney. He said each species had its own amoeba, just like an apple tree came from an apple seed and an orange tree came from an orange seed.
We were human when we were in the amoeba in the sea, and when we were in the primal cell of our mother – we were still human. You were you at the moment that the sperm of your father and the ovum of your mother came together. At that second, your soul was present. Your soul had a beginning, but it will have no ending. The body has a beginning and an ending. The elements have no beginning and no ending. They exist forever. But we are finite and the finite never becomes infinite. But we don’t remain as finite as we are, as limited as we are.
Abdu’l-Baha explains it, saying it’s like a bird in a cage. You have a bird in a cage. He is confined to the cage. You open the cage and he is confined to the room.
Just the other day they showed a sun that is not too far away with planets around it. They didn’t show if there are people on it, but they suspect that there are planets and people. We can’t see the whole universe because it’s too large, but undoubtedly this vast universe pervades all space. There is no end to space, no matter how far you may travel in any one direction or in all directions. You could travel at the speed of light: at 186,000 feet per second, and if you traveled for a billion, billion years you wouldn’t come to the end of space because the second you come to the end of space, what’s on the other side? More space. And this is endless. The universe of God is endless. God is omnipotent and omniscient. He pervades the whole space, and in that vast space He has creatures that worship Him. He gives His creatures eternal life and evolvement from kingdom to kingdom, station to station, worlds beyond worlds for eternity.
If you should happen to reach God, Who is infinite, then it would become boring. Or, you could take God off His throne and you could sit down, and God wouldn’t let that happen. So, the journey to God never ends. This is what makes heaven in the next life beautiful. Who would want to come back here? Back to top: